Fey LLC Article on Nation State Hacking Published in Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy

The recent SolarWinds cyberattack, America’s “Cyber Pearl Harbor,” is a painful reminder of the vulnerability of government agencies, academia, for-profit corporations, and non-profit organizations to nation state cyberattacks. Such cyberattacks against public and private sector organizations of all sizes are increasing in volume, sophistication, effectiveness, and covertness. In their article America the Vulnerable: The Nation State Hacking Threat to Our Economy, Our Privacy, and Our Welfare, Fey LLC’s Laura Clark Fey and Sarah D. Wiese address the serious risks posed by nation state cyberattacks. The article was recently published in The Kansas Journal of Law & Public Policy. After analyzing the current state of nation state hacking risks, the authors recommend “a whole-of-society response” to address such risks. Laura and Sarah also provide recommendations on fundamental steps that the federal government (as well as other public and private sector organizations) can take to help protect themselves and others against nation state hacking and other cyberattacks — from significantly improving defensive cybersecurity capabilities, to markedly improving supply chain risk management processes and information governance, to improving America’s cybersecurity leadership. The article emphasizes the importance of prompt collaboration, cooperation, and information-sharing among government entities, corporations, and academic institutions in order to help prevent and respond to nation state hacking, as well as to preserve America’s security and resilience.

Privacy Law Specialist (IAPP), is the principal
at Fey LLC.
Sarah Wiese contributed to this Post.